Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Newsletter #00051

okay, i must apologize right now. i have been behind in getting these out lately, so please forgive me, it shouldn't be happening anymore.

okay, as promised, i have some puzzling paradoxes for you today. hand picked by me.
now, i am providing no answers whatsoever to these paradoxes, so if you want an answer (which i will have for all of the problems) simply send an email to our email address, where you will be sent an answer, so to further facilitate this process, i will also number them. the email address will be at the bottom.

1. The missing dollar paradox:

Three people have dinner at a restaurant. After the meal, the waiter brings over the bill, which comes to $30. So each diner conributes $10

The waiter takes the cash to the manager, who informs him that a mistake was made totting up the bill. The actual cost of the meal was just $25. So the diners have been overcharged $5.

The manager hands five $1 bills to the waiter, and tells him to return them to the diners. However, the waiter wasn't entirely honest. Rather than handing over all five $1 bills, he hands over just three of them. He gives one to each diner, and keeps two for himself.

But there is something amiss here. The three diners end up paying $9 each, making a total of 27$. meanwhile, the waiter pockets $2. But $27 plus $2 adds up to just $29 rather than the origional $30. Where is the missing dollar?

2. racetrack. there seems to be no answer here, but there is refuting information, so yes, you can ask about it.

think of a racetrack. now think of a runner running around this track. now, on this track there is halfway point, one where the runner will have half the trck left to cover, and the runner must reach this point before he can finish his lap. now once he gets to the half way point, he now has half the track to run, but there is still a halfway point between he and the finish line that he must come to, this will mark him having one-quarter of the track left to run. now, if you keep looking that the runner needs to reach halfway points, the argument can be made that it is impossible for the runner to finish, for you can always make a new half way point.

okay, while looking through paradoxes, i found this amazing theory started by Albert Einstien. now here is our father of relativity talkingg about the relevance of time, motion, and time travel. now, i don't know all the facts behind it, but i can tell you what is true.

Einstein figured out that if you were to take two clocks, one you kept in one spot (say your living room, just for an example) and you sent the other on a trip around the earth, that they would actually count time separately and differently, therefore passing trough times at separate rates. this theory is called "time dialation". the only problem with this is that, to show a noticeable difference, the clock going around the world would have to be travelling at speeds nearing the speed of light (which due to another theory is impossible for any object other than light to reach). so, technically, if we could send a man or woman aound the world at close to the speed of light, we would be sending
into the future.

okay, that's all i have time for today, but i think i gave you enough to think about.

question: what is the best excuse you've used?

quote:Imagination is more important than knowledge-from the great albert einstein, i thought it was appropriate.


July 8-2009
-By Brad

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