December 31-2009
Well, I haven't written one of these in quite awhile. I've stored ideas in my head (some of them are forgotten), but what is spurring me to write this newsletter is one of my latest (re)discoveries: Pokémon.
Pokémon is amazing, just to be simple. My favorite Pokémon is Bulbasaur (as you can tell from my profile picture). The very first game I played was Pokémon Blue on my green GameBoy Color. I still remember the day I got it. The game was quite fun. I can still recognize any of the original 151, I know the game inside and out, I will never forget them. Some people who don't like Pokémon, well, I just think you are lacking something in your life. If you never got the chance to play, well, now you can.
First, I'll explain what is going on. To run the games, you need a program, called an emulator. This allows the game to run, and works exactly like a GameBoy. It plays the sound and the screen that you control. On the original GameBoy, there's a few buttons, being A, B, Start, Select, and a directional pad. The emulator uses the keyboard as these keys, and you can set them to be whatever ones you want. I personally prefer having the A key be A, the S key be B, the Shift key being Select, the CTRL key being Start, and the directional arrows as the keypad. You can customize them however you see fit.
*Disclaimer* The legality of downloading these games is questionable. It is not illegal, but it is not fully legal either, it's the gray area. If you have any misgivings, don't trust it, then do not download. I'm not responsible for any viruses you may get, or computer hardware malfunctions. The websites I've listed have not harmed my computer, however, there are websites out there that can. I am NOT responsible for anything you download, what I'm saying is merely a suggestion.
To begin playing, you need to get the emulator. Click on this link to get it.
That will begin a download, and when it's finished, you'll have a file that you can't open, yet. To open the file, you need another program, called WinRar. To get this program, go to this link:
If that link doesn't work, try:
The first one is the 32-bit, the second is 64-bit. Depending on what computer you're running, one of them may not work. If the one you download the first one, but it doesn't work, use the second. If you still have trouble, just ask.
Run and install the program. Don't worry, everything you've gotten so far is perfectly legal, there's nothing wrong with these programs. :)
Now go back to where you downloaded the emulator. It should look like a pile of books. Right click on pile, and click "Extract Here". This will create more files for you to use. You can delete the file called, that file won't do anything for you. The file you want is called TGB-Dual. That is the emulator. However, don't run it just yet, we want to get the games first!
For the list of games, you want to go to this website:
That has a list of all the GameBoy Color games. Click on P, and go down until you see Pokémon Blue. The available games for download for Pokémon are Blue, Red, Yellow, Gold, and Silver. Choose which one you want. If you want the more modern versions, Ruby and Sapphire, go here:
Click on which game you want, I'm going to use Pokémon Blue for an example. After clicking on the game, a file will download. When it's finished, go to where the file is. It will be another set of books. Right-click, and click Extract Here. Delete the website page that gets created, and you'll have a file named Pokemon That is the file you want. Go to where you downloaded the emulator, and run the file (TGB-Dual).
A small black screen will pop up. To change the button orientation, go under Options, then click on Keys. I would suggest doing this now even if you don't want to change it, so that you know what buttons to push. These can be edited at anytime you're playing your game.
To play the game, go under File, then GB1 - Load. Navigate yourself to where you downloaded and extracted Pokemon, and then click on the file, and hit open. The game will start to play. Have fun!
*Disclaimer* The legality of downloading these games is questionable. It is not illegal, but it is not fully legal either, it's the gray area. If you have any misgivings, don't trust it, then do not download. I'm not responsible for any viruses you may get, or computer hardware malfunctions. The websites I've listed have not harmed my computer, however, there are websites out there that can. I am NOT responsible for anything you download, what I'm saying is merely a suggestion.
That's quite a lengthy newsletter, and it's more instructions than anything. I hope you enjoy the games as much as I do. :)
December 31-2009
Well, I haven't written one of these in quite awhile. I've stored ideas in my head (some of them are forgotten), but what is spurring me to write this newsletter is one of my latest (re)discoveries: Pokémon.
Pokémon is amazing, just to be simple. My favorite Pokémon is Bulbasaur (as you can tell from my profile picture). The very first game I played was Pokémon Blue on my green GameBoy Color. I still remember the day I got it. The game was quite fun. I can still recognize any of the original 151, I know the game inside and out, I will never forget them. Some people who don't like Pokémon, well, I just think you are lacking something in your life. If you never got the chance to play, well, now you can.
First, I'll explain what is going on. To run the games, you need a program, called an emulator. This allows the game to run, and works exactly like a GameBoy. It plays the sound and the screen that you control. On the original GameBoy, there's a few buttons, being A, B, Start, Select, and a directional pad. The emulator uses the keyboard as these keys, and you can set them to be whatever ones you want. I personally prefer having the A key be A, the S key be B, the Shift key being Select, the CTRL key being Start, and the directional arrows as the keypad. You can customize them however you see fit.
*Disclaimer* The legality of downloading these games is questionable. It is not illegal, but it is not fully legal either, it's the gray area. If you have any misgivings, don't trust it, then do not download. I'm not responsible for any viruses you may get, or computer hardware malfunctions. The websites I've listed have not harmed my computer, however, there are websites out there that can. I am NOT responsible for anything you download, what I'm saying is merely a suggestion.
To begin playing, you need to get the emulator. Click on this link to get it.
That will begin a download, and when it's finished, you'll have a file that you can't open, yet. To open the file, you need another program, called WinRar. To get this program, go to this link:
If that link doesn't work, try:
The first one is the 32-bit, the second is 64-bit. Depending on what computer you're running, one of them may not work. If the one you download the first one, but it doesn't work, use the second. If you still have trouble, just ask.
Run and install the program. Don't worry, everything you've gotten so far is perfectly legal, there's nothing wrong with these programs. :)
Now go back to where you downloaded the emulator. It should look like a pile of books. Right click on pile, and click "Extract Here". This will create more files for you to use. You can delete the file called, that file won't do anything for you. The file you want is called TGB-Dual. That is the emulator. However, don't run it just yet, we want to get the games first!
For the list of games, you want to go to this website:
That has a list of all the GameBoy Color games. Click on P, and go down until you see Pokémon Blue. The available games for download for Pokémon are Blue, Red, Yellow, Gold, and Silver. Choose which one you want. If you want the more modern versions, Ruby and Sapphire, go here:
Click on which game you want, I'm going to use Pokémon Blue for an example. After clicking on the game, a file will download. When it's finished, go to where the file is. It will be another set of books. Right-click, and click Extract Here. Delete the website page that gets created, and you'll have a file named Pokemon That is the file you want. Go to where you downloaded the emulator, and run the file (TGB-Dual).
A small black screen will pop up. To change the button orientation, go under Options, then click on Keys. I would suggest doing this now even if you don't want to change it, so that you know what buttons to push. These can be edited at anytime you're playing your game.
To play the game, go under File, then GB1 - Load. Navigate yourself to where you downloaded and extracted Pokemon, and then click on the file, and hit open. The game will start to play. Have fun!
*Disclaimer* The legality of downloading these games is questionable. It is not illegal, but it is not fully legal either, it's the gray area. If you have any misgivings, don't trust it, then do not download. I'm not responsible for any viruses you may get, or computer hardware malfunctions. The websites I've listed have not harmed my computer, however, there are websites out there that can. I am NOT responsible for anything you download, what I'm saying is merely a suggestion.
That's quite a lengthy newsletter, and it's more instructions than anything. I hope you enjoy the games as much as I do. :)